
Happy Easter

Easter weekend is all about the precious family time and joy of spring. There is no better way than spend it in the beautiful surroundings of South Istria. Spread the beauty of the holidays and feel the happiness with your loved ones, while enjoying sunny and warm days on the Adriatic coast.

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Arena Medulin Campsite - ADAC TIPP 2022

We are proud to notify that our Arena Medulin Campsite is recognised from the  Europe's largest motoring association ADAC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club), and is the proud holder of the label "TIPP 2022" because of a high 4.5 out of a possible 5 stars in the magazine for campers.

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Launch of Ena, our friendly Chabot assistant

We are delighted to announce the launch of Ena, our friendly Chabot assistant, helping users navigate through Arena Campsites website.

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Plant a tree

Arena Hospitality Group has joined the national tree planting campaign taking place during the month of November called “Plant a tree, don’t be a stump!” organized by eponymous national association for organizing tree-planting campaigns.

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